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A member registered Feb 05, 2022

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We all know that we want them to be happy and so...but we also want the story to be more interesting.  Let's hope they and mc can find a better future together!

 My debit card works perfectly fine for buying and transferring money elsewhere on the internet (checked today) but for Patreon, no, payment declined...Even my paypal can't work too. Agh so annoying...

I know it's a situation in a story, but I don't think I could break my most important friend's  (and even my crush) heart, just to have a new relationship with a random guy I barely know...





I know how it feels to crush on a friend, it's hard to tell but...the fear losing them is even bigger the pain when you keep your feeling inside...Seeing the MC lose Mikko make me hurt like hell...

Yeah big update, big cute bear...really BIG...

(1 edit)

Oh yeah? I don't think I'm wrong...just wait and you will see dude...And about the "sweet" things, you will know how sweet he is in the next update ( on Patreon, I just played it last night )...Maybe you're right about the fact Aaron isn't innocent, but throught the others I can tell he's not the bad guy. You can't change my mind that Aaron is much better than Lance, atleast he don't sell anyone for some f*cking money...

He was already evil from the start...This shithead should have been killed for what he done, especialy for Cyrus...And no, not my sweet Aaron...f*ck him...

My English skill is sucks...I can't keep up with their topic...sorry 😑

I played this episode twice but still I can't understand it fully yet...I know what happened, but who is Anders? Why does Byron want to take that name? What happened to his father after that event? The only one thing I know is I don't like Herbert...He's mean, not like Walter, and he kinda hate Walter too...

Gil was surely having sex with Talbot in that room... It's not about you believe Gil or not, it's just like...him. In his route, I can tell he would do...things with Walter if Talbot wasn't there...

Just downloaded yesterday because of Rune update (quite late haha)...And I can say this is the best update so far...I was hoping that Rune should do something romantic with "me" all the time, and this update make me satisfy af...And thank for the beautiful arts...Awww Rune, you're getting more and more handsome... I can't take this anymore 😆

I recommend ya to play Mark route and his episode next...You will have a fuller view of this game...about the past and the future of Walter...maybe the true ending, i guess?

I'm not sure but seem like they were lover before ( u can check it out in Lars episode)...And then they got to break up, maybe because of Gil?

Not really bad, so don't worry










I feel like the Lars's special episode is the true ending of this game...Something serious will happen, relate to Mark and Herbert...Atleast, Walter and Mark still friends, although they not as close as before...

Why? I just download the apk file and install it normaly...nothing lost...I'm not sure if because of your phone or not, but my phone is Xiaomi and I got no trouble updating

Same bro 😑

"I think I knew you long enough to say you're never like this before, like, can't control your anger..."

" You said that I can't understand what you had to deal with your harsh father everyday, because my father was gone? Should I feel happy for that? "

"You said you love me, right?  So, those hateful words you just said, are what I deserve to take? Am I just a thing where you pour your anger in?"

"You know what Shoichi? I'd rather get hit by you than listen what you just said...It hurts me so much..." 

"Please, take time and think about what i say Shoichi. I'll think about my wrong too...Sorry..."

This is what I would say If I was Yuuichi when 'that' happens...Shoichi is a sweet and cute guy, but he had to learn to control his feeling...AND Yuuichi, you're such a crybaby 🙄🙄🙄

Aaron...he's so cute and sweet...hope he'll have a romantic relationship with Cyrus...Poor Damion, I really feel sorry for you, but I think you will understand, Cyrus have to move on...He need someone to lean on, and live a happy life that he didn't have...Sniff...sniff

Anyway, great game!

Aagh...i died waiting for the update 😢

My English is really terrible...i'm sorry 

This game is great but i really hope that they can finish it while i'm still alive... I just feel sorry for Walter, and i want to know everything about him...Mark, I'm not sure that I like or hate him after I played his route and his special episode, I have a bad feeling about him...